How to Use Abundance Checks to Manifest Money in 2025

Do you want to have the money you have always dreamt of?
“The Secret” — the famous Law of Attraction documentary —popularized the concept of abundance or manifestation checks and how they manifest money in your life. You can use these checks to manifest any amount of money you desire.
You can manifest just about anything you want in your life - love, travel, money, career, etc.
It works with the law of attraction. We empower the universe to release abundance.
What are abundance checks?

An abundance check is a digital check that you can print, cut out and write on to manifest more abundance of money into your life. Use these Free Printable Abundance Checks to get started!
An abundance check is a blank check from the universe. With them, you align your intention with the universe, and send a message to the universe and your subconscious mind that you are open and receptive to abundance.
If you fully expect something to happen without a doubt then the universe has to give it to you. Just take action toward your goals each day and watch for the opportunities to make them happen when they show up.
Be sure to know and understand your goals and all the things you will do with your large amount of money. If you have a vision board, you can print your check and tape it to your board. If you don’t know what a vision board is you can read this article for more information. If you would like to make a vision board you can use this online vision board creator and search the many guided vision board templates available!
Do abundance checks really work?
From the experience of its numerous users, the abundance check does work.
It helps you use the law of attraction to manifest money.
One of many celebrities who used this law of attraction secret is Jim Carrey.

If you would like to get started with your own abundance check, download our free manifestation checks now.
In his interview with Oprah Winfrey, he talks about how he was broke and poor, yet he visualized directors interested in him and paying him a huge sum of money.
He wrote himself a 10 million dollar check and dated it 5 years in the future and labeled it “for acting service rendered.”
He carried it with him for years, no matter how bad it had deteriorated.
Two days before Thanksgiving in 1995, he found out he was going to make 10 million dollars for his role in Dumb & Dumber.
He wholeheartedly believed he was worth all that money, he stayed loyal to his desire, worked diligently and the universe delivered.
How does an abundance check manifest money?

The process is quite simple. Usually, people manifest more than just money, some manifest experiences, jobs, vacations, houses, and even love! Follow these steps on how to manifest with your abundance check:
Write your name and the amount you want to manifest.
Sign it — You can sign “The Universe,” “Universal Bank,” or ” Law of Abundance.”
Believe it. Believed you are worth the money you are desiring and it is coming to you.
Keep the check with you until it comes true.
For example, if you know you need $4000 to travel to Bali, you would write $4000 on the check, and you would mention “for traveling abroad” or “for living my dreams”.
The key is to have fun with it, be creative, and use it to make you feel good.
You should look at the check with joy and excitement. After all, it’s a fun manifestation method that’s supposed to be just that: fun.
Ways to Write an Abundance Check

There are multiple ways of writing an abundance check.
Here is an example on how to write your check:
Download relationships
Date it
Choose a date when you want to receive your money.
Write your name
Write your name in the space for “Pay to the order of.”
Choose an amount
In the box for the amount, write the amount you want to manifest. This opens you up to the ultimate abundance.
Write a memo
Write what the check is for in the memo space.
Sign it
Sign the check with “The Law of Abundance,” “The Universe,” “Universal Bank” or even your own name.
Keep it
Put it in a safe place and the universe will take it from there.
Think of this amount of money as adding to your prosperity. Imagine that you already have this money, put your imagination to work, use all of your senses.
Feel abundant and radiate that feeling out into the universe, as you do you will become a magnet, attracting whatever you are focused on. Do this with your vision board as well, it’s a super powerful way to open your mind to the opportunities the universe is presenting you.
Why do abundance checks manifest money?

Usually, when people want to manifest things to the physical world, they work with concepts and ideas. However, an abundance check makes us view what we want to manifest in a physical way and give you something real that your mind can grasp and easily comprehend.
The fact that it is a piece of paper, in physical form, representing your manifestation in the physical realm is proof to your subconscious mind that that goal is already taking form in your life.
And because it’s already physical, its energy is stronger and easier to align with, in order to bring about our desires.
Ready to Start
Now that you know what abundance checks are and how to use them to manifest money into your life. Use your check to attract all sorts of abundance — money, love, health, travel — into your life. If you haven’t already download this Free Abundance Check printable, cut it out and stick it on your vision board.
Feel joyous and visualize yourself receiving all the abundance you desire.
Finally, know without a doubt money will begin to flow into your life. Trust in yourself and the universe.